Welcome back…I took a little hiatus….and in this episode, I discuss three topics

  1. Who has been kicking you in the ass?
  2. Who is your ideal client
  3. The 90/10 rule

Topic 1:  Who is kicking you in the ass?  

This one is going to straddle all areas of life:  business, parenting, personal.  You may be looking for divine intervention, but as Amy Harrill recently told me….you have to be your greatest ass kicker.And we all know this – you are the only one who can mix the motivation inside and actually get things done.  It doesn’t matter if it is implementing a new system in your business, putting in extra hours to impress your boss, or putting together the pieces to record a podcast. It has to come from within you to bring anything to completion, or just getting you up on the treadmill.

However, it is helpful to have people in your life who kick your ass – I have a few.  Those who demand I raise my game and stay on course – one or two in each area. A couple of friends in my personal life, my kids in

Marcus: no greater love, no greater ass kicker.

my parenting….  And then there is Marcus.  He is an overall ass kicker.  The minute I say I am starting a project he says “what is the due date so I can hold you accountable?”  During the final march towards finishing my PhD I would get messages from him “Whos ass are you kicking today princess?”  He kicks so much ass he is a pain in my ass – and I love him beyond words for it.

Click here to find Marcus on LinkedIn.

In fact, right now we aren’t talking because all he does is bug me about getting another epiosde of the podcast.  So I’ve finally done it – partly because he is bugging me, but also I wanted to.  You see, in your personal and professional life, and especially if you are trying to get out of hot mess, you need an internal ass kicker.

As a parent, I am the ass kicker to my children.  In a big way. Most parents today are not ass kickers, they believe their children are special snowflakes.  Last week, for one of my daughters the wheels come off her bus:  grades, money saved, and the way that she was taking care of her car….all hit bottom.  Mom found out. It all hit the fan.  We texted at first and then talked. She found her motivation, maybe a wee bit through fear.

Honestly, while others, like Marcus, can be a loving pain in the ass, only you can get it done…like me in putting up this episode, and like my daughter who visited with her teacher, asked her job for more hours, and put oil in her car.

When you are lacking the motivation, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Make a list with detailed pieces.
  2. If it is work you need to complete keep the documents open like I do in Drive.
  3. Do the hard stuff first
  4. Get help –  delegate

Topic 2:  Your Target Market, Ideal Client

So, I’m in a  training program right now to get my business in order and every time I turn around I’m being told to get more specific.  Goals, dreams, and…the dreaded ideal client.  It doesn’t matter if you work for a company or yourself – you have an ideal client.  If you are a business owner like me, your ideal client is the type of person or other business you want to work with.

For instance, one of my targets is divorce attorneys or accountants who have: a great website, 2-5 staff members, about $1 million in revenue, and knows a solid foundation of blogging and social media will enhance their other digital marketing efforts.  I’m being told to get even more specific with personal characteristics.

Your ideal client may be your boss’ boss – or the specific type of company that you want to work for in the future.  To be successful as a small business owner- you need to build your brand to attract your ideal client.  To be successful as a employee – you need to build your personal brand to support the moves you want to make.  And also you can establish thought leadership in your industry.

Topic 3:  90/10 Rule – Andrew and Pete

I saw a keynote done at Social Media Marketing World by Andrew and Pete They have become two of my favorite people, because they are authentic experts who are fun and ridiculous.  While their keynote was brilliant, at that time I didn’t quite agree with their message.  They claimed that you should put 90% of your effort into what works.  At that time I thought this was silly – after all, don’t I have to be EVERYWHERE?  What I have come to realize is that they were right and I was thinking about it all wrong.  While I need to put 90% of my time into one area, other things can get done but not by me.  In fact, 10% of my time can be directing and delegating everything else.  My great success in client attraction has been using LinkedIn so that is where I should be hanging out.  I can then organize and manage the rest getting done.

Mindset Adjustment:    I am worthy
I recently started to spending some time with a new coach who believes that when we have trouble in a particular part of our lives more likely than not it is we do not believe we are worthy.  For instance, if you do not have enough money, this belief is holding you back….more on this later.

Marketing Tip of the week:  
Find two experts in your field and bookmark their blogs.  Read them every day, and the