TOPIC #1:  Find a CRM system for your business.  

They can be very expensive and very confusing.  

I first signed up for Infusionsoft (now Keap) because all the big sharks used it. 

It was way too big and very very confusing.

The tech shut me down…sadly for years.  

And I finally decided to look for something else – and I looked everywhere.  

Convertkit – Freshsales – HubSpot – Zoho 

And after all my research I finally decided I was not going to get exactly what I wanted.  I did realize that a few systems were going to need to be put in place.  

I wanted payment – schedule – funnels – crm for list building and bigger prospects.  

And I finally pulled the trigger on Clickfunnels.  

I came about it sideways – went through One Funnel Away – a 30 day program (warning:  Affiliate link)  – which was brilliant.  I then drank the Koolaid and signed up for a full account.  It solves most of my problems and issues. 

TOPIC #2:  Setting a goal with a reward

When I need a break, I wanted to zone out – really zone out.  And I got addicted – yes addicted to an app game on my phone.  

I was lacking discipline.  I would delete the app and then reinstall it to zone out again.  

I was wasting a ton of time – the game wasn’t even helping me relax because I knew I could be doing so much else with my time.  

I gave myself a goal – delete the app and get the bag – a Vera Bradley bag.  

So I bought the bag – and locked it away – and will give it to myself if I can really kick the habit.  

TOPIC #3:  Feeling Disconnected

What do we do when your job, family, kids, just suck the life out of you. 

There is a ton of writing out there about the importance of having some deeper spiritual connection to a higher power  – whatever that would be for you.  

I was raised Devout Catholic and have left The Church, (recovering Catholic) – and the spiritual was missing.  So…. 

Recently went through a program, Faith to Conquer Fear Program with Christy DeMetrakis

My breakthroughs were substantial and connection to my higher power was found.