Welcome to Episode 14

  1.  Act unconditionally
  2.  No Shortcuts
  3.  Fear of Failure or Fear of Success


  1.  Act unconditionally:  As I have been feeling unappreciated by many people in my life, I have FINALLY learned to look at my actions as unconditional.  If you do things with unconditional love, then you just can not be disappointed when others do not appreciate or even acknowledge your efforts – brush it off.  You didn’t do it for the parade, you did it because you wanted to.  And, the sister act of this – their inability to acknowledge or appreciated is a deep problem within them has…ready…NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!   Infusing love, especially unconditional love into everything that you do will completely spin your world.

Possibility Coaches in Doylestown PA

2.  No Shortcuts:  There is no way you can write all of your social media content for the year in one hour – you can not write 10 blogs in 30 minutes.  There are plenty of “systems” that promise crazy outcomes.  But they don’t work. Just in my example of creating social media content – for me, being very organized – takes hours.  By the way, if you ever need to talk with me about your SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media or Blogging – please book a gratis call with me so we can set you on a path towards systems and clarity.  

3.  Fear of Failure or Fear of Success:  Are you scared of success?  To many this may sound INSANE!  How being successful can be scary...so scary it might just keep you small? Share on X Your systems, family, friends….could it be too much?  Do the people in your life need you staying small?

Stacy Raske can be found here.  

Thanks so much for joining me – I not only appreciate your time I am truly honored you would choose to spend your time with me.
