Sharpen Your Saw

Do you need to sharpen your saw?  Falling behind on your field, technology, happenings in your company?  Set-up a system so that you NEVER fall behind again.

1.  Great a folder on your Google Drive Toolbar.  Put the links to the 10 best sources of information in your industry.
2.  Create a Google Drive doc for Expert notes so you have one place to jot down ideas.
3.  Attend a conference or just get the video recordings (often less expensive).  Put those notes in your Expert notes as well.

This plan makes it all very easy to find and access – from your phone, laptop and desktop.

Give Yourself Permission

If you feel stuck, waiting for permission to start a project – just GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION!

This applies to taking a spa day, starting to write that book, stop caring what other people think (A really really tough one), and just to go for whatever it is you want to get done.

Self Care

I don’t care how you accomplish this one, but you need to take care of yourself.  It doesn’t need to be expensive.  Sometimes just 15 minutes of reading or setting a boundary, or playing the guitar…fill your cup, put on your oxygen mask – will help as you run around and take care of everyone else’s stuff.